Project History

1986 - 2000

MY PASSION IS MY MISSION: Prior to 1986, I expressed myself in various media: as photographer, musician, multi-media and event producer, writer & lecturer. Although I experienced degrees of success in each endeavor, I lacked a unifying theme integrating my talents and interests.

In the '80's, I began studying various New Paradigm thinkers: John Naisbitt, Marilyn Ferguson, Alvin Toffler, Fritjof Capra, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marianne Williamson, Peter Russell, etc. In 1985, my life changed when I attended a gathering of futurists & New Paradigm thinkers in Santa Fe. I met people that had integrated their personal passion into their daily work. They transformed altruistic interests into successful one-of-a-kind careers. They were "walking their talk" and it was obvious to everyone around them.

I wanted this for my life. Was there a unifying thread connecting my career dots? Was I suffering from career schizophrenia or did my life have meaning, integration and destiny?

I realized my life purpose was contained within my past interests. In the 80's, my talents were in the media and communication, but in the 60's and 70's, my interests were in "American History" and music. I received a B.S. in American History and Education from the University of Missouri, while supporting myself performing in rock & roll bands. I loved to read about America's past and future, but I also loved playing music. How were the two related?

They weren't . . . then. The key laid in blending my old interests with my new skills in photography, production, scripting, music and speaking. The key to unlocking my life purpose was in integrating past and present interests in America, music, images, ideas and shows . . . into one cohesive project. "Visions of America" was born.

In 1986, I officially launched "Visions of America," a lifetime project that would grow and change over the years with me. I made a commitment to explore all facets of the American Experience. I would photograph and study all things American, including the good, bad and beautiful. I was particularly intrigued with the period of 1776-1787, the time when a New Paradigm was born. If we can better understand how the American Revolution was really a global evolutionary event, we can apply the lessons to today's New World at the dawn of a New Millennium.

With Joseph Campbell's idea of "following my bliss" and the writings of The Founding Fathers in hand, I set out to capture the spirit of America in images, ideas and music. As the pictures and ideas developed, I would integrate them into books, magazines, music-videos, multi-media shows, CD ROMs, the Internet, TV shows and talks. My purpose was to entertain, inform and inspire Americans with the Founding Vision of America.

Leslie Plimpton/ Joe Sohm/ Cokie Roberts

THE FIRST 14 YEARS - 1986-2000: History was on my side when I launched my project during three significant American anniversaries:

• 100th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty

• Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights

• 500th anniversary of Columbus' Discovery of America

During these historically rich times, I created the photographs, scripts and music that became the building blocks for a myriad of media products over the next 14 years. Project highlights include:

1. EVENTS, MULTI-MEDIA SHOWS & MUSIC-VIDEOS: ChromoSohm Media, Inc., my full service production company, has worked closely with corporate and not-for-profit clients to create, produce and stage original multi-media events and videos (see ChromoSohm Media Production Bio). "Visions of America" transcends traditional politics and ChromoSohm Media has produced events for both political parties.

• Merrill Lynch's "A Ratification Celebration" (1987-1989) an $8 million dollar touring multi-media show to State Capitals;

• Philadelphia's "We The People" (1987) Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution featuring the premiere of"NEWORLD";

• "NEWORLD" (1987-1991)touring multi-media show featuring narration by William Shatner & lecture by Joseph Sohm;

U.S. Bicentennial Commission (1987-1991) Washington, D.C. "Official Event" for U.S. and California Bicentennial;

Presidential Inaugural Committee's 1993"Bells of Hope" worldwide televised Inaugural Event for President Clinton;

U.S. State Department (1995-present) Photo Print Exhibits in five U.S. Embassies around the world;

MTV Presidential Inaugural Music-Video (1993) "Portrait of Change" - the "Official Inaugural Video" featured the music of Michael Jackson and David Crosby and aired on worldwide television, MTV, U.S. networks;

100 American Heroes (1992) CD ROM prototype for IBM featuring Michael Douglas;

• Presidential Fund Raisers (1992): Live televised events featuring Crosby & Nash, Carroll O'Connor, Oliver Stone, Jimmy Webb, & Martin Sheen;

• Close Up Foundation's 25th Anniversary (1996): a multi-media show presented to leaders of the U.S. Congress.

2. AMERICANA PHOTOGRAPHIC LIBRARY: Sohm's core business is his photographic library of over 65,000 photographs in 35mm, 6x7 and 6x17 panoramic film formats. He acquired a motor home to travel and photograph America. Each year Joseph publishes more than 2000 images in media around the world. Over 10,000 of his images have been digitized and keyworded and are currently available online.

CLIENTS INCLUDE: Kodak • Sprint • National Geographic Chrysler • IBM • Newsweek • Toyota • Time Magazine • Amtrak • Delta Airlines • ABC • Toyota • Sears • Warner Brothers • Philips • Leo Burnett • CBS/Sony • Dean Witter • Alamo • TWA • First Boston • U.S. West • Atlantic Records • Random House • Ford • Mazda • General Mills • Harper West • Metropolitan Life • NBC • Yamaha • Apple • Canon

"VISIONS OF AMERICA" STOCK PHOTO CATALOGUES: In 1996, Sohm published the world's first stock photo catalogue by a single photographer on a single subject, "America." Published by Chromosohm Media, Inc., the catalogue is 80 pages long, features 687 color images and was distributed in 20 countries. A total of 60,000 copies were distributed worldwide. Clients call 800-SOHM USA to license his images. In the year 2000, ChromoSohm Media published Pan America, the world's first panorama catalogue on the theme of America. The 160- page catalog contains 850 images catalogue.

PHOTOGRAPHIC AGENCIES: Sohm's work is represented by over 35 agencies in 50 cities around the world. His agencies include:

The Stock Market, New York • Tony Stone Images, Seattle • Pacific Press, Tokyo • Corbis, Bellevue, WA • IFA Bilderteam, Munich • Stock Image, Paris, • Horizon, Australia • Marka, Italy • Time & Space, Korea • Dinodia, Bombay, India


3. ORIGINAL MUSIC: Working closely with the song writing/ performing team of Ed & Gaia Tossing, Chromosohm Media has conceived, produced and recorded original music written especially for Sohm's productions. The music has been licensed to various clients, including: Merrill Lynch, Sears, The Close Up Foundation, Shaklee Corp., the Democratic National Committee & President Reagan's Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution. Songs include:

"Visions of America"

• "Voices For Tomorrow"

"I Want To Live"

"More Than A Dream"

4. SCRIPT & RESEARCH: As a former American history teacher and script writer, Sohm devoted many years to studying America's past and contemplating it's future. He has compiled a "visionary collection" of Founding Father quotations that were rendered on audio tape by established Hollywood actors and utilizes the quotes regularly in print products and books. Based upon this research, Sohm has written an original script, "Birth of a NEWORLD," that was read by William Shatner (see NEWORLD). Other Sohm essays and articles have appeared in USA Today, New Paradigm Digest and he has been selected for inclusion in Marianne Williamson's forthcoming book, "Imagine . . . What America Will Be Like In The 21st Century."

5. SPEAKING APPEARANCES BY JOSEPH SOHM: Lordly & Dame; American Program Bureau and Washington Speakers Bureau have represented Joseph Sohm for speaking appearances (see lecture resume) which have included:

• Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA

University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Brooks School of Photography, Santa Barbara, CA

• California Mortgage Bankers Association, Palm Springs, CA

• Freedom Festival, Evansville, Indiana

• Northern Colorado University, Greeley, CO

• National Bank Advisers Trade Association, Orlando FL

• Texas A&M, College Station, Texas

• Rutgers College, New Brunswick, NJ

• Inside Edge Speakers Series, Los Angeles & San Diego, CA

6. PRESS COVERAGE: Joseph Sohm and ChromoSohm Media have been featured in such prestigious national publications as:

New York Times • Los Angeles Times • Wall Street Journal • CNN • Esquire • C-SPAN • CNBC • ABC • San Francisco Examiner • Hearst Newspapers • USA Today • Century Cable

7. STRATEGIC RELATIONSHIPS & SPONSORS: Chromosohm Media, Inc. and Joseph Sohm have created various business relationships, sponsorships & promotional backers, including:

Corbis Media, Bellevue, WA (owned solely by Bill Gates)

• Close Up Foundation, Alexandria, VA/Washington, DC

• Eastman Kodak's PNI/, Vienna, VA

• Merrill Lynch, New York, NY

• Dechert Price & Rhoads Law Firm, Philadelphia, PA

• Horatio Alger Foundation, Alexandria, VA

• Audio Visual Laboratories, Wallingford, Connecticut

• 35 Stock Photo Agencies Worldwide


• Gold Medal, New York Film Festival

• Silver Medal, Houston Film Festival

• Bicentennial of U.S. Constitution Official Recognition

• California State Bicentennial Constitution Official Recognition

• Nominated for "Presidential Sidney" Award

• Creativity 26 Award of Distinction

"The Next 5 Years"

2000 - 2004

The first part of Joe's multi-media life focused on taking pictures, having songs written and recorded, performing research, writing scripts, establishing Trademarks, publishing stock photo catalogues , establishing clients and developing alliances. If "Visions of America" was likened to an orchard of fruit trees, the fruit is ripe for picking and canning!

The next five years is about harvesting the images, ideas and music I planted during the past 14 years. Fortunately, America is entering another historically rich era:

• 2000 Presidential Elections

• 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics

• 200th Anniversary of Lewis & Clark's 1804-1806 Expedition

• 200th Anniversary of the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson (1801 - 1809)

the 225th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776 - July 4, 2001)

• the Millennium

These are the times to ask big questions: Who are we as a nation? What is our national purpose? How do we intend to grow our economy while living in balance with our environment? Where do we hope to be at the end of the next century?

I will ask the big questions & explore our national destiny through various interconnected multi-media projects. Building upon the strategic relationships already developed and the interconnected "Visions of America" content, my projects will benefit from the confluence of the multi-media business and its demand for content and the ensuing historical celebrations. Projects under development include:

NEWORLD Television special: a music-video history/future of America;

The American Experience - a mobile multi-media exhibit ;

Visions of America Table Top Book with companion audio CD;

Joe Shmo's America non-fiction book;

• Joe Shmo's Multi-Media Lecture Series (see public speaking); and

• "Visions of America" Merchandise.