"Catalogue Chapter Samples"

For Catalogue Call 800-SOHM-USA or Fax 805-649-1555

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"I liken myself to a wagon train scout who has been sent down the road to see what lies ahead. After 15 years and 100,000 miles of travel, this catalogue is my report back to the wagon master."

Joseph Sohm

"I was frustrated with trying to capture "Big America" with a "Little Camera." I realized I should photograph America as it is . . . in panoramic format." "Pan America" - the Grand Picture is the result. It is Volume 2 of my "Visions of America" catalogue series. I revisited America's sacred places and re-photographed America on a good day . . . in panoramic format."

"A person by going on one of the hills may have a view as far as the eye can reach..."

Patrick Gass,1804, Lewis and Clark Expedition

Pan images offer you the "big picture" in a "3 to 1" aspect ratio - so wide you can use all or part of it in your design. For good measure, I included some outstanding 35mm images and digital collages. Along my journeys, I met two outstanding landscape photographers, James Randklev and Thomas Weiwandt. "Pan-America" is a collection of our best images and is backed by thousands more.

If your message has to do with America, you can find it in "Pan-America." Call 800-SOHM-USA (800-764-6872) for full-sized DUPES or for DIGITAL DELIVERY. Each image is available in uncompressed 80 megabyte RGB Tiff files, saving you scanning costs and time, or go to: www.PictureQuest.com and download a JPEG version of the image now! Simply enter the "Pan-America" picture number. We hope you enjoy "Pan America" and encourage you to take Stock in America.




Emerald Cities


Purple Mountains Majesties


From Sea to Shining Sea



Old Glory


Scenic Roads & Biways


Branching Out: Trees & Forests


Spacious Skies


America's Great Waterways


Main Street USA


The Great Southwest


America's Countryside


Celebrating America - Events