ChromoSohm Media, Inc.,

Producer of Special Events, Multi-Media Shows & Music-Videos

(See Visions of America Project History)

For two decades, Chromosohm Media Inc. (CMI, a Nevada Corporation) has worked closely with major corporations, international non-profit organizations and civic groups to create, produce and stage innovative special events, multi-media shows, televised fund raisers and music videos. Working under the direction of company principal, Joseph Sohm, CMI has conceived and produced high profile media events & videos for clients such as:
mmGold Medal,
mmNY Film Festival







Merrill Lynch

Presidential Inaugural Committee

•  MTV

• Cousteau Society

• United Nations Environmental Organization

• Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution

• Philadelphia's "We The People" Celebration

• Close Up Foundation's 25th Anniversary Video

• Clinton/Gore '92 Committee

• Democratic National Committee

• City of St. Louis

• Brown For President

• Chef & Child Foundation






CMI's productions have featured an eclectic group of actors, musicians, authors, futurists, speakers, environmentalists and politicians, including:

Crosby-Stills and Nash, Don Was, Oliver Stone,

William Shatner, Michael Douglas,

David Brower, Carrol O'Connor,

OMNI Magazine editor Frank Kendig,

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, Joni Mitchell,

President Bill Clinton, Vice-President Al Gore

Captain Cousteau, Richie Havens,

Brian Wilson and more

CMI creates events with press coverage in mind. CMI's events have attracted:

  • MTV Special Coverage; C-Span Live Event Coverage;
  • New York and LA Times reviews & coverage;
  • Hearst Publications Front Page Coverage;
  • San Francisco Examiner; Esquire;
  • St. Louis Post Dispatch; CBS Radio;
  • CNN, CNBC, Japanese and Dutch TV;
  • The McLaughlin Report,
  • Associated Press

CMI's productions, include: concerts, special events and fairs, music-videos, multi-media and multi-image shows and live televised shows. CMI was awarded a Gold Medal in the New York Film Festival for its production, "Imagination," a three-screen multi-media show featuring William Shatner and RCA Records' Isao Tomita.

CMI draws upon the best resources in the industry to create its award-winning productions. Depending upon the magnitude and purpose of the event, CMI is a full-service production company capable of:

Event design and production

  • Live television production
  • Multi-media production
  • Scripting
  • Promotion, public relations and event advertising
  • Graphic design and print production
  • Event photography
  • Staging and AV equipment rental
  • Talent coordination and negotiation
  • Contracting and accounting
  • Corporate sponsorship packaging
  • Project management
  • Production staffing
  • Post-event evaluation

ChromoSohm Media, Inc. has also published and distributed two international stock photo catalogues: Visions of America (Volume 1) and Pan-America (Volume 2). More than 100,000 full color catalogues have been distributed in 30 nations around the world.